womenhike Bergglitzern in Saalbach | © Mia Maria Knoll womenhike Bergglitzern in Saalbach | © Mia Maria Knoll

Bergglitzern in den glemmtaler bergen

Outdoor adventures for women
hiking with Birgit in Saalbach | © Birgit Battocleti


Anyone can climb a peak and admire the view. To transform this into an all-round enjoyable day in nature, the right dimensions are still missing: To feel the wind, listen to Alpine Choughs, drink refreshing water from a stream. If you have always wondered the difference between mosses and vascular plants, why there are shells and carts in the rocks, or why regional culture and land use shape the landscape, you can opt for a hike with a local nature and landscape guide.

Yoga on the mountain - summer activities in Saalbach Hinterglemm


Miriam's yoga journey began about 10 years ago. In Saalbach, her hometown, skiing and mountain biking are two of her great passions, which also involved a certain risk of injury for Miriam, so she looked for a more gentle balance. Yoga is the path to more awareness and self-empowerment for body, mind & soul - a never-ending journey. Miriam's style is to mix traditional with cutting edge, always in search of inspiration and knowledge.


"Freely following this motto, I go to nature: "There are two ways to live your life: either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if everything were one." My second home is the forest. Sometimes I need this, with my four pubescent children, as a balance and a haven of peace. Other times, I give back my energy to keep the give and take in balance. My job is to remind people to protect nature. Not because we need it, but because we are a part of it. Therefore, I reintroduce the forest and its creatures in my own unique way to all who are interested. "

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